domingo, 19 de dezembro de 2010

Justiça concede liminar

Justiça concede liminar que mantém ex-banqueiro Cacciola preso

Pedido foi feito pelo Ministério Público do Rio de Janeiro.
Decisão anterior concedia progressão para o regime semiaberto. Leia mais...

Iran Cuts Energy Subsidies

Iran Cuts Energy Subsidies as Sanctions Take Toll

Dec 19, 2010 3:47 am ET
(Adds analyst quote in 12th paragraph.)
Dec. 19 (Bloomberg) -- Iran started phasing out energy subsidies and replacing them with cash payments to the poor, under a five-year plan promoted by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as an “economic revolution.” More...

Jobless benefits are extended

Jobless benefits are extended - but hold the applause

By Tami Luhby, senior writer

NEW YORK ( -- Millions of jobless Americans are no doubt cheering the tax cut deal that President Obama signed into law Friday. More..

Derivatives Rules...

Derivatives Rules Boost Risks in Nascent Market: China Credit

Dec 19, 2010 11:20 am ET
Dec. 20 (Bloomberg) -- Rules governing credit-default swaps in China are too narrow, hindering their growth and distorting prices at a time when the corporate bond market is expanding 45 percent, according to bankers. More...

Shoppings fazem horário especial

Shoppings fazem horário especial
para as compras de última hora

Em alguns empreendimentos, as portas estarão abertas às 9h e só fecharão meia-noite. Leia mais...

Tribunal de Justiça do Distrito..

Tribunal de Justiça do Distrito
Federal liberta fundador da Gol

Habeas Corpus foi concedido a Nenê Constantino no final da noite de sábado (18). Leia mais...

Preço de alimentos sobe menos

Preço de alimentos sobe menos e inflação desacelera em SP

Índice na 2ª prévia de dezembro foi o menor desde o fim de setembro, diz Fipe. Leia mais...

Desemprego recua em novembro

Desemprego recua em novembro e bate novo recorde

Taxa de 5,7% no mês passado foi a menor da série do IBGE, iniciada em 2002. Leia mais...

Tax Cuts May Spur Economy...

Tax Cuts May Spur Economy, Limit Need to Extend Fed Purchases

Dec 08, 2010 12:00 am ET
Dec. 8 (Bloomberg) -- President Barack Obama’s agreement to prolong Bush-era income-tax cuts may reduce pressure on the Federal Reserve to extend its $600 billion bond-purchase program while spurring U.S. economic growth. More...

Europe’s financial contagion

Greece sneezed, and now most of Europe has a cold. The European debt crisis has already spread like a virus from Greece to Ireland, and other countries are now at risk: Portugal, Spain, and Italy are probable candidates for financial problems. Economists call this the “contagion effect.” How does this spread? Some of it has to do with confidence. When investors see one country encounter financial problems, they may doubt the health of other countries that seem to share economic or even political characteristics. More....

Produtos importados

Produtos importados ganham o mercado brasileiro

Mudança cambial favorece a entrada de produtos no país e gera bons negócios no Natal. Leia mais...

Brasil alcança 14º lugar ...

Arrecadação de tributos no país foi de 34,5% do PIB em 2009.
País só fica atrás de países europeus, altamente desenvolvidos, diz instituto. Leia mais...

It’s Time to Rethink the Charity ...

NOW that Congress has actually managed to enact tax legislation, it may be time to consider some bigger issues. I hope that broad-based tax reform will be high on the list of both major parties. More...

Educational Institutions

Sageworks, an analytics company that tracks financial data for privately held businesses, sent  the following chart on Thursday. It shows the percentage change in sales in each industry from one year to the next, for private companies earning no more than $10 million in annual revenue: More...

The Different Costs of Motherhood

Outright sexism is obviously still a part of the workplace today, but it’s also vastly reduced. The pay gap between men and women of identical qualifications, experience, work hours and career choice has shrunk greatly in the last few decades. Some researchers believe it is now close to zero — not zero, though not far from it. More...

Aprenda a poupar mais em 2011

G1 selecionou recomendações práticas para cada objetivo.
Dólar baixo favorece viagens internacionais no próximo ano. Leia mais...